Identity Statement:
A Better Life-Brianna's Hope is a participant driven, faith-based, and compassion filled support and recovery movement for those battling the battle with substance use disorder.
Our Mission:
Providing hope through Christ to individuals and communities battling addiction using support, encouragement, and collaboration.
encouraging community support & engagement
helping individuals start an ABLBH Chapter in their community
Public Speaking
Weekly podcast sharing roads to recovery, real experiences from addicts, those closest to them, healthcare professionals, & more
offering an opportunity for anyone to share their addiction and/or recovery story by means of the speaking at our meetings & the podcast
Brianna's Prayer
Our Foundational Document:
"Please Lord, look after me and my family. Please help me to do the right thing and to show people I am not a bad person inside or out and help me Lord to get through this disappointment again and know I make mistakes but who doesn't? I don't do it to do wrong. I do it cuz I feel I have no other choice. I want a better life, Lord, I do. Please help me. Do to me as what you feel is best. I surrender to you. In Jesus' name, Amen."
The story behind ABLBH: A story of Hope and Healing
Letters of Endorsements
Click the buttons below to read our letters of endorsement.

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